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Quantum Teleportation

In this Qiskit Notebook we will attempt to go into the details of the Quantum Teleportation.

Just recently physicists achieved the first-ever quantum teleportation between computer chips.
The heart of the quantum teleportation is quantum entanglement phenomenon.
An entangled system is one whose quantum state cannot be written as a product of states of its local constituents. In other words, constituents are not parts but are inseparable whole. One constituent cannot be fully described without considering the other(s).

As the notebook will show, the state of the entangled system is expressed as a superposition (sum) of products of states of local constituents and this sum has necessarily more than one term.
The notebook will also show a necessity of working out related math to understand respective histograms of the results.

After a short description of the quantum teleportation circuit which is displayed below

we examine first 𝜙>=|0> and 𝜙>=|1> cases before we attempt a general

|𝜙>=𝛼|0> + 𝛽|1> case.

Two examples are provided to illustrate and better understand the general case.
We finish the notebook with some modifications of the quantum teleportation circuit.

Here is a download link if you want to download the notebook….